A Holiday Celebration of Community

Grab your ugly holiday sweater and get ready to celebrate with Clocktower Advisors!

We wanted to end this year with a bang and celebrate everyone that makes up this wonderful community of community professionals. We invited a plethora of individuals, both past guests and new faces, to hop on the stream and share a celebration of achievements in 2023 as well as looking ahead to what 2024 may have in store for us.

In the last stream of 2023, Todd Nilson was joined by John Summers, Brad Rooke, Hester, Ahmadou Diallo, Ilker Akansel, Matt Jensen, Venia Logan, Jenny Weigle, Carolyn Zick, and Adrian Speyer, including a holiday party drop in by Mathjis Vleeming. Discussion topics range from an expansive community boom to more quality control, in-person events, advocacy, and warm wishes to close out the year. See the show notes below with time stamps for specific topics.

Show Notes

Gratitude for a Growing Community (0:18): Todd expresses gratitude for the growth of the live stream community, with the YouTube channel reaching 150 subscribers. He acknowledges the contributions of supportive voices, new ideas, and enthusiastic individuals both within and outside the community professional space, and also looks forward to continued growth and engagement in the coming year.

The Growth of Online Communities (17:43): The guests discuss the growth of online communities, particularly during the pandemic. They note that while the initial excitement and enthusiasm around online communities was well warranted, there is now a need to focus on quality control and development. The speaker predicts that in 2024, there will be a ramp up of community professionals and a more mindful approach to recruitment.

Growing Best Practices Communities and Customer Advocacy (27:03): One of the key points highlighted is the growth of best practices communities and customer advocacy. It is mentioned that companies are seeing the benefits of collaborating with customers who have similar interests and goals. This collaboration allows for sharing of knowledge, strategizing, and addressing common issues.

The Importance of Community (39:19): One of the key points mentioned in the stream is the importance of building and nurturing a community. The speaker emphasizes that while sales and marketing strategies are crucial for business growth, having a strong community is equally important, to foster a sense of community and support amongst their customers and stakeholders.

Balancing Artificial and Human Intelligence (43:25): Another key point discussed in the stream is the balance between artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence in the community. The speaker believes that while AI is advancing rapidly, relying solely on technology can overlook the importance of human connection and the potential for collective learning. They encourage the use of communities to learn, teach, and distribute information, highlighting the role of community in shaping the future of AI.

AI Usage Disclosure

ChatGPT-4 was used to help with crafting and refining blog articles, offering suggestions for language, structure, and meta descriptions to enhance clarity and reader engagement, aligning with the author's specified style and content goals.

Todd Nilson

Todd is a digital strategist specialized in building online community and digital workplace solutions.


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