Zapnito is the community knowledge sharing platform built to maximise customer lifetime value. Through personalized experiences, Zapnito helps businesses connect every customer to the knowledge and people they need to be successful.

With Zapnito, you can build a custom branded community platform and host discussions, content, courses, events and more – under one domain. To ensure your community’s long-term success – engagement dashboards help drive ROI, and Zapnito’s team of UK-based experts provide essential strategic guidance.

Since 2015, Zapnito has helped industry leading brands to transform millions of customers into community participants – making them the perfect technology partner to power community-led growth.

We are here to help

Talking to an experienced digital strategist can help you to clarify your goals. We understand the broader ecosystem of tools and platforms available and can help you to navigate the complexities and decision-making. Schedule a short, no obligation call with us.