Community and Marketing

Is it community + marketing, community vs. marketing, or community is the new marketing?

In this new episode of Talk About Your Community, Adrian Speyer and Todd Nilson will explore the relationship between community and marketing from three different perspectives:

  • Working together towards mutual goals

  • The struggle to ensure community safety

  • The concept of community as the "new" marketing

Join Todd Nilson, founder of Clocktower Advisors, and Adrian Speyer, author of The Accidental Community Manager, as they share their insights and ideas on how to effectively collaborate with marketing teams while maintaining the safety and integrity of the community. Discover best practices for finding common ground and building strong partnerships between community and marketing.

Don't miss out on this thought-provoking conversation!

Show Notes

6:50: After introductions, Todd and Adrian jump into the conversation around marketing and community. Adrian specifies that the approach is important when selling in a community.

14:39: Todd mentions a common conversation with clients is “What does ROI mean to you?” Adrian also brings up the importance of tracking the analytics and gathering data to support the benefits of creating a community. Todd asks if marketing should be community curious.

25:56: Adrian suggests community has a marketing problem, including common misunderstandings about community’s role within a business.

31:07: Todd turns to guest questions, starting with their take on Chief Community Officer versus Chief Marketing Officer. Todd and Adrian both discuss the importance of strong relationships with marketing, customer-facing roles, sales, and other departments.

Todd Nilson

Todd is a digital strategist specialized in building online community and digital workplace solutions.


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