Employee Experience in the Post-Pandemic World: A 'Talk About Your Community' Recap

Our second season of 'Talk About Your Community' dives into the post-pandemic employee experience. We welcomed Sean Winter from LumApps to discuss key themes like digital workplaces, community inclusivity, and fostering a sense of belonging.

Work Landscape Transformation in 2023

We're seeing major shifts in the work landscape post-pandemic. Remote work and distributed teams have become the norm, and employees' expectations for their work environment are at an all-time high. Prioritizing a satisfying and fulfilling employee experience is no longer optional—it's crucial.

The Post-Pandemic Work Infrastructure Challenge

Companies are scrambling to build an infrastructure that caters to the diverse needs of their workforce in this new era. It's a balancing act between accommodating individual preferences and maintaining organizational benefits. From technology to working policies, everything needs a refresh.

Prioritizing Employee Experience

There's a growing realization that technology and communication tools need a human touch. Companies are shifting their perspective, viewing employees as users, and designing empathetic, personalized experiences. This move is all about making work more meaningful and productive.

Leveraging Data for Actionable Decisions

Data isn't just about numbers—it's a treasure trove of insights for actionable decisions. Imagine if your system could recommend tasks based on your schedule and mood? This proactive approach could make employees' lives easier and more productive.

Redefining the Workday for Improved Employee Experience

The traditional 9-5 workday is getting a makeover. Companies are exploring flexible schedules, differentiated task allocations for in-office and remote work, and more. This personalized approach respects individual work styles, resulting in a more satisfying work environment.

Upskilling and Outskilling: The New Normal

Upskilling and outskilling are now integral parts of work life. The ability to learn new skills and adapt is being prioritized like never before. Serving up relevant content and investing in talent development has become a top priority.

The Employee Journey and the Rise of Alumni Communities

The concept of the 'employee journey' has expanded. It's not just about the time spent within an organization, but also the time before joining and after leaving. Establishing alumni communities and engaging candidates pre-hire can have a significant impact on the overall employee experience.

Show Notes

2:43: Sean Winter begins by explaining his background, spending 11 years at a large financial services institution. After doing some research on different ways of working and interacting that wasn’t emails and meetings, he found the community world. That eventually led him to working with LumApps.

9:30: Todd inquires about what Sean is seeing in his role in 2023. He touches on the impact of the pandemic with remote work, video conferencing, and layoffs. There has been a large shift in employees being able to voice how they want to work.

15:06: Sean also voices some concern with engaging AI and advancements in tech being a bit more cold in nature, removing human connection. Todd asks to delve more into exploring AI and tech tools to add value to customers. One potential use case is scheduling technology that knows your scheduling preferences and can make appropriate suggestions for you.

29:26: Being on the front lines of what customers and companies are struggling with, Todd asks about trends Sean is noticing. Good news, he sees companies taking the opportunity to redefine what a work day looks like. Ilker asks a question around LumApps strategy around employees’ changing skills and requirements.

40:46: In closing, Todd asks his final question around community professionals within an enterprise versus externally-facing communities. Sean mentions the trend in people thoughtfully thinking through how employees need to interact with each other. Proactivity is meaningful and companies can continually look at how they are continuing to impress their value proposition to retain employees.

Todd Nilson

Todd is a digital strategist specialized in building online community and digital workplace solutions.


Update Spotlight: Community Leaders Institute


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